Saturday, July 2, 2016

History Hall at the SCA 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Let's take a tour of the History Hall at the 50th Year celebration of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

The first displayed today is that of the Kingdom of the West, the oldest kingdom in the known world. It is the first exhibit you find when you enter the History Hall. 

The scroll shows the extensive lineage of the royal line of the West Kingdom, which includes all of its queens and kings.

This scroll includes the names of all the princes and princesses of the Principality of the Mist.

This extraordinary Tree of Life embroidered illumination tapestry was made by the Barony of Adiantum in the Kingdom of An Tir as a gift for the Kingdom of the West. It is a 6-foot by 9-foot piece of linen embroidered with hand-spun naturally dyed wool. The picture is a tree of life of the SCA with the West Kingdom arms on the trunk and all of the other kingdoms and principalities of the known world at that time branching off of it. In addition to the arms there are leaves, Birds, butterflies, spiders, a green man, a kitten, and many more things within the branches. The top of the tapestry has an embroidered, inkle weaving band which reads in Latin, "Presented to the Kingdom of the West by the Barony of Adiantum" and the bottom edging reads, also in Latin, "dry clean only."

This Royal tapestry of the Kingdom of the West celebrates the very earliest royalty of the West Kingdom.

These two vials contain dirt from the backyard of Mistress Diana Listmaker and Master Jon de Cles, the location of the first tournament ever held in the SCA.

Let us now Venture into the display for the kingdom of the East, Second Kingdom of the Known World. 

The East Kingdom's display is guarded by this ferocious feline name Zeus. Okay, he's probably a real softie, but he is certainly regal. 

This Relic is The Shield of Chivalry. Bestowed by the Queen of the East on the day of Crown Tournament upon the combatant deemed most chivalrous by the Ladies of the Rose. The bearer holds the Shield until the next Crown Tourney. The current bearer of The Shield of Chivalry is Sir Wilhelm Von Ostenbruke.

This Award of Arms scroll includes a map of Eastern lands. 

These are relics of the crown of the East Kingdom. 

Several crowns for the Kingdom of the East are on display, including these Byzantine crowns made by Countess Morgan Duvall for the coronation of Lucan and Jana II.

Now we enter the Kingdom of the Middle, the third Kingdom of the Known World. 

Behold the first Pennsic arrow. This is the original Arrow sent from the Middle Kingdom, perhaps by Iriel, to the East Kingdom. It was returned broken once by Cariadoc, Crown Prince of the East at the time. It was possibly intended for Andrew at his first coronation, but somehow wound up in the possession of Yang the Nauseating. Yang then presented it to Cariadoc, King of the Middle at that time, who broke it a second time. 

This quilt showcases members of the Barony of the Northwoods, the first barony in the Middle Kingdom. This Barony was born in 1969. 

Let us now take a look at the display for the Kingdom of Atenvelt, the fourth Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

These are the ancient crowns of the crown prince and princess of the Kingdom of Atenveldt. 

Atenveldt's many groups are represented on this fine embroidery. 

A mighty collar in the Atenveldt display.

Behold the display of Meridies, fifth Kingdom of the SCA. 

These displays showcase the lineage of the Kingdom of Meridies.

This case holds the crowns of the king and queen, prince and princess of Meridies.

Let us now view the display of the Kingdom of Caid, sixth kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Each outside panel of this suit of lamellar armor are carved from bone from medieval illumination scenes. It took thirteen years to create this fine armorage. It is on display with the Kingdom of Caid. 
The holy relic of Saint Geronimus, brought here for display by the Kingdom of Caid. 

This gorgeous tapestry was created by Master Rebecca and her apprentices especially for this event. It's been under.ocnstruction since October and was made specifically for this event for the Kingdom of Caid. 

Now for a look at the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra, seventh Kingdom of the Known World.

This illuminated map showcases the lands and arms of all the groups of the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra.

These are the ancient crowns of the Kingdom of Ansteorra.

Now let's take a look at the Kingdom of Atlantia's display.

This cabinet contains a map and all of the arms of every group in the Kingdom of Atlantia. 

Let's take a look at the Historical display of the Kingdom of An Tir. 

A sugarpaste crown.

In the spring of AS 40, a black Percheron horse walked before the quiet crowd adorned as in ages past. No saddle sat upon his back, no bridle upon his head. Instead caparison of black, red, and gold draped around his form. A fair hand attached two black tassels to the caparison as two names rang through the silence. This was the first Riderless Horse Ceremony. This is that caparison, which today includes over 200 handmade tassels, each representing a member that has passed on from this world.

Let us now venture to the display of the Kingdom of Calontir. 

Behold the scutum cover of Master Pavel Iosevich, still carried in the Calontir shield wall. 

The selection of relics includes the original crowns of the Kingdom of Calontir, along with circlets of the first Warlords. 

Another tour is being given of this magnificent tapestry denoting the history of the Kingdoms of the SCA. 

Continuing our tour of the Known World with Trimaris.

Behold the handmade Trimaran Sword of State. 

This is the Coronation Robe and headdress of Cheongju Han Jeong Mi. Her persona is based on the Jose on Dynasty of Korea in the 15th Century. 

A closer view of Jeong Mi's ceremonial headdress.

This is the moral code of Sir Duncan Arthur Ross the Black. This code was hand sewn by Mistress Sibilla Daine. Sir Duncan was elevated to the Laurel for bootmaking in Trimaris.

Here's the display for the Kingdom of Drachenwald. 

This is the first County coronet given in Drachenwald. It belongs to Duchess Vanna.

Because of the impracticality of shipping relics and other items from Drachenwald history, most of the display is represented by photographs. But what gorgeous photographs they are.

Let's see what is in the Kingdom of Artemisia's display. 

This gorgeous scroll denotes the sovereigns of the Kingdom of Artemisia, along with some of the elevations and group creations that have taken place during its existence.

A video about the Kingdom of Artemisia and its people place next to this gorgeously rendered shield.

Let's see what we can find in the display for the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. 

I would love to know whether this is a paddle or a giant spoon in the display for the Kingdom of Aethelmearc.

An award favor from the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. 

I wonder what we'll find in the display for the Kingdom of Ealdormere. 

The Queen's Champion axe for the Kingdom of Ealdormere. 

The Scroll of Honour is a record of all the Deeds of the people and Friends of Ealdormere bestowed at the discretion of the crown. Each reign has a page with those they have so recognized.

This display showcases many of the Coronet of the Kingdom of Ealdormere. 

The Kingdom of Lochac is represented in this display.

This is the original crown for the kingdom of Outreme, the precursor to the Barony of Rowary, first group the Kingdom of Lochac.

This is the banner of the worshipful Company of Broderiers of Lochac, with devices of masters and graded members designed and constructed by Mistress Rowan. 

This cloak contains the arms of every Pelican made in the Kingdom of Lochac. It is worn by the peer being elevated at the time of their elevation.

Let's take a look at the display for the Kingdom of Northshield. 

This is a portion of the 50 pounds of golden coins minted by Northshield's Moneyers Guild delivered to Their Royal Majesties Rhys and Gwenhwyvar in honor of the SCA's golden anniversary. There are twelve thousand strikes, all performed by hand. Each person who visits the Northsheld display is invited to take one.

This is the Griffin Stone of the Kingdom of Northshield.

The coronation cloak of the princess/queen of Northshield. 

Let us now visit the display of the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann, 19th Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism

The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann is its people, and this is reflected by the faces that greet you from every angle in this display.

This illumination created by Isabel the Mad represents the travails of the people of Gleann Abhann during Hurricane Katrina, which delayed the first coronation.

These are cloaks worn by the crowns of Gleann Abhann.

The gloves of each of the first three members of Gleann Abhann’s Masters of Defense. 

We have reached the Kingdom of Avacal, the 20th Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism and our last stop.

The winter coronation cloak of Avacal. 

Because of the great distance involved, Avacal could not send many of its relics. However, this is a beautiful representation of the scroll for the first Laurel elevated in the Kingdom of Avacal, Kataryna Tkach, which was created as a Ukrainian pysanka ostrich egg.

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