Monday, April 25, 2016

Scrolls I have created.

NEW for May 2016

Four new scrolls for Small Gray Bear's Candlelight Camp event.

A Sword of Orion with new wording.  This was given to Lady Mia Segovia.

New wording that opens the Bear's Heart to be given to both Small Gray Bear citizens and those who live outside the barony.  Previously this award was given to non-citizens only.

Standard bearer's scroll for our Arts and Science champion.  This was given to Baroness Jacqueline D'Anjou.

It is rare that I get to do a commission, and rarer still to do one for individuals close to me. Brendan and Medb are so close, they're my daughter's godparents, and she's the one who told me the cats needed to be on the scroll.  It's my best representation of Hiro and Malory.  The design isn't particularly medieval, but I doubt anyone will mind.

I'm going to put images of scrolls I've worked on here, and add to it as I find more of those photographs.

Work on a Grant of Arms scroll designed from a 16th century English patent
of Arms.  I am guessing this is from 2006.

An old AoA scroll from when I first started working on scrolls, around 1998.

Each year at Gulf Wars, we'd have a Drunken Scribes night at
Scribe's Point.  This "rainbow brite" AoA came from one such
night in 2005.  I heard it was accidentally given.  I am so sorry.

Madd Alex's court barony scroll.  I worked on this one for about two months.
It was given out in 2006.  The small things you see are bats. She likes bats.
Illuminated letter for Ravenshold scroll, November 2014.
Illumination on AoA scroll. Calligraphy by Baroness Maddelena Alessandra Godwin.

Onyx Chalice original created February 2016.

A raw vellum AoA given at Fighters Collegium, February 2016.

Another raw vellum AoA given at Fighters Collegium 2016.

This Grant of Arms scroll inspired by a Flemish book of hours page features flora and fauna native to Gleann Abhann and was completed in February 2016.  It was given out at Spring Coronation 2016.

This original was completed in February 2016.

This original was completed in February 2016 and given out at Fighters Collegium.

One of 13 original pre-prints I created in a batch in March 2016. This is a Gules Quill, given for calligraphy and illumination.

A Francois' Favor from the same batch.  I go minimalist on pre-prints to give artists more to work with.

An Argent Branch from the same batch.

Calligraphy added to a gifted illumination from Meridies Mara Topaz Signet.

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