Event Sites

Carlisle Civic Center - Carlisle, Arkansas

Carlisle Civic Center from the north, across city-owned field.
$300 to rent the banquet hall and kitchen, $75 to add on the council room, $100 deposit.  The city owns all but a sliver of the land to the north of the building.  We can borrow a FSB grill and utilize baronial cooking equipment right outside the door.  Site is dry.  No smoking within 25 feet of the building.  The house on the open land by the building is also owned by the city.

Side entrance of building is main entrance to hall.  To photo right are city
offices for mayor and water department.  They aren't in during the weekend.

Overview of main hall.  This photo shows hall set up with table rounds.

This is the smaller section of the main hall.  It can be cordoned off with an
easy-to-pull curtain.  The garage door and exit door face the fighting field.

The larger section of the main hall also has a stage, which includes an
accessibility ramp.  The brown door goes to a hall where the restrooms
are located.

Another view of the stage. The staircase is movable.

Long view of the stage.  Gray door faces out to rear parking lot.

Women's restroom has four stalls.  Mem's restroom has two stalls and two
urinals.  There are no showers.

Another view of the back of the Carlisle Civic Center and rear parking lot.
Additional parking is available on the south side of the building. There is
parking for around 80 vehicles.  Parking is also available on side streets and on
a lot behind the photographer in this photo.

View from kitchen door to fighting field and downtown Carlisle.

View northeast shows house owned by city (we won't be disturbing anyone)
and more of the downtown.

Council room rents for $75 a day, already set up for meetings.

Shot of kitchen.  This is a catering kitchen, and there is no stovetop.  However,
this shot shows microwave and two-sectioned food warmer, which reaches
180 degrees.  Exterior door to the right.  That's Ronnie, the site manager.

Refrigerator and ice machine in the kitchen.  Door to hall is on the left.

Door mentioned in last photo is to the right here, with an additional door to the
smaller section of the hall on the left. Normal sink.  Movable steel table. There
are two rolling carts as well.

Shot of the kitchen from the door to the field to the door to the hall.

More information on the Carlisle Civic Center, along with rental rates and contract, available here.

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